1. Obtain landmark coordinates.
2. Standarization: Procrustes superimposition of the landmarks, removes size, translation, and rotation.
3. Consistency: Produce shape variables (variables that retain information about shape, but are not correlated with one another and have appropriate degrees of freedom). PCA scores are one kind of shape variable that suit with these requirements.
4. Analysis: Carry out further analyses on the shape variables. Type of analysis required depends on questions being addressed Regression, MANOVA, tree building etc.
Following Steps were used
Sample collection
Image collection
Landmark identification and digitization
After completion of picture collection they need to be converted to tps.,nts or .txt.
digitized using tpsDig software.
Output (graphical and text)
3.4.1 Image Collection Procedure
After collection of fishes were brought to the laboratory and prepare them for takeing image. Total 400 fishes image were collected by using a digital camera. …show more content…
Pins were inserted on each specimen at all the landmark prior to taking photograph. Before taking picture, fishes were cleaned with freshwater and placed on a dissecting pad, the left side of the body of fish facing up. The fins of each fish were spread out and pinned in place to provide a clearer view of insertion points into the body. A scale was placed against the lower edge of the dissecting pad. Eleven pins were inserted on each specimen at all the landmarks prior to taking photographs to ensure the accuracy of landmark location during