As mentioned earlier, A.D Booth proposed a encoding technique for the reduction of partial products for designing a low power and an efficient multiplier. Booth algorithm provides a process for multiplying binary integers in signed –2‘s complement form. For Example,
-4 X 2 1100 X 0010
This algorithm is also known as radix-2 booth recording algorithm. The multiplier is recorded as Zi for every ith bit Yi with reference to Yi-1. This is based on the fact that fewer partial products are generated for groups of consecutive zeros and ones. It is not mandatory that for a group of consecutive zeros in the multiplier there is no need to generate any new partial product. We just need to right shift the …show more content…
It represents conventional procedure for various operations required with respect to state of machine. Here we generate the partial products by Radix-2 booth encoder. By using this technique we can reduce the partial products generation and the computation time delay is less than ordinary …show more content…
Y1 Y0. The previous bit Yn-1 acts as reference bit. The recoding of the multiplier bits need not be done in any predetermined order and can be even done in parallel for all bit positions.
The observations made from the radix-2 Booth algorithm are listed below
It reduces the number of partial products which in turn reduces the hardware and delay required to sum the partial products. It adds delay into the formation of the partial products
It works well for serial multiplication that can tolerate variable latency operations by reducing the number of serial additions required for the multiplication.
The number of serial additions depends on the data (multiplicand)
Worst case 8-bit multiplicand requires 8 additions
Parallel systems generally are designed considering for worst case hardware and latency requirements. But as a darker side Booth-2 algorithm does not significantly reduce the worst case number of partial