The following parameters were recorded and calculated during experimental period for growth studies.
3.8.1 Feed intake
Daily record of feed given to different groups was maintained. Left over of feed was weighed weekly. The feed intake in different groups was calculated by subtracting the weight of left over feed from the weight of total feed offered during the experimental feeding period.
3.8.2 Body weight gain
The broiler chicks were weighed individually every week till the end of experiment. On the basis of these weights, weight gains in different groups of broiler chicks were calculated weekly.
3.8.3 Feed conversion ratio
The body weight gain and feed consumption for a particular period (weekly) were used to calculate …show more content…
3.9.1 Determination of dry matter
Five gram fresh samples of feeds and dried excreta were taken in the pre-weighed silica crucibles and kept in hot air oven at 100 0C for 24 hours or until the constant weight was achieved. However, meat samples from breast and thigh muscles were dried at 65 0C for 48 hrs or till a constant weight was obtained. Dry matter was calculated as follows:
Dry matter (%) = ( b )/a× 100
a= Weight of fresh samples (g) b= Weight of samples after drying (g)
3.9.2 Determination of nitrogen and crude …show more content…
For this purpose 2 g of sample was taken in a digestion flask followed by addition of 2 g of digestion mixture (K2SO4:CuSO4 in 9:1 ratio) and 25 ml of concentrated sulphuric acid. The contents were digested till blue/ green transparent liquid was obtained. The volume of digested mixture was made up to 100 ml with distilled water. A 25 ml aliquot of this solution was distilled with excess of 40% NaOH solution and liberation of ammonia was collected in 20 ml of boric acid containing mixed indicator i.e. methyl red and bromocresol green in ratio of 0.2 ml: 0.1 ml solution (5 ml mixed indicator solution in one liter of 4% boric acid solution). Similarly, a reagent blank was digested and diluted to 100 ml with distilled water and distilled ammonia trapped in boric acid solution which was titrated against N/10 H2SO4. Nitrogen content in samples was calculated as