Suraya Yaacob, Fatin Habsah Abd. Hamid and Muhammad Farouk Roslan
Earthworms play an important role in the turnover of organic matter in soil and maintaining a good soil structure (Lavelle, 1988). Physical properties in soils improved by earthworms include improved aggregation, stability, and porosity. The soil biological and chemical properties of soils that may be modified include nutrient cycling (mainly nitrogen and phosphorus), organic matter decomposition rates, and chemical forms of nutrients in soil and their availability to plants. They also change the soil pH, organic matter dynamics in terms of quality and quantity, microbial and invertebrate activity, and diversity of the microflora and fauna (Lavelle et al., 1998). Therefore, they are essential for plant growth especially in an extensive agricultural system, such as organic farming, which is based on nutrient release from turnover of organic matter.
Earthworms can also be used as a source of protein for animal feed which had been reported to increase the growth of fish, chicken and piglets (Guerro, 1983; Jin-you et al., 1982; Edwards and Niederer, 1988). The mean amounts of essential amino acids recorded in earthworms are found to be very adequate for a good animal feed. Moreover, earthworm tissues contain a preponderance of long-chain fatty acids, many of which cannot be synthesized by non-ruminant animals and an adequate mineral content (Edwards and Niederer, 1988). Recently, the enzymes derived by the earthworms, lumbrokinase or earthworm fibrinolytic enzymes (EFE) which has anticoagulant (blood thinner) property is extensively being used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.
Following these valuable application of earthworms, the management of earthworm communities provides a promising field for innovation in agricultural practises. There are many factors
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