The first existentialist is Kierkegaard. If the world was within his view point we would all just give up and be the empty shells of the people we actually are. Kierkegaard believes that we should give up ourselves and everything to religion and religion alone. By religion he actually means orthodox christianity. The cartoon is a mug with the words stating GIVE UP. This is showing that Kierkegaard looked at the world with a glass half empty feel of life. The opposite comes from the next existentialist.
The second existentialist is Nietzsche and his viewpoint is completely different from Kierkegaard’s. Nietzsche believes that you should do whatever you want and no matter what the end will always be the same. The cartoon states that no matter what you do you will alwatys be an outsider, which is quite honestly true. You have differences from every other living being in existence so why not accept that fact and just live your life the way you should. this is what Nietzsche is trying to say and the cartoon does a fairly good job of it.
Sartre is the third existentialist in the piece of literature that had to be read and is what the last cartoon is based off of. His idea was the most true of the three that was read and drawn about. The summary of his belief is you can do whatever you would like but no matter what you do, you will always have some form of consequence. The cartoon drawn about Sartre is a drawing about Icarus and the flying incident. This shows how when Icarus flew