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A Child’s Tail(3)

Look and find what you do not look for, but what you may find may just shift your thoughts to an unfamiliar but not a thing that you should avoid. It may touch you, it may align with you, it might just shift your thoughts into a distinct, warm path. It may shock you, it may alarm, or it might just astound you. Although, through all that information you grasp, just stay undoubtful, and adapt to anything that may pop up in front of you.(88) Has a thought of mirroring an animal’s form pop into your mind at a point in your past? A thought of, why animal’s might carry tails upon torsos, but humans do not cannot obtain this tail? Could it possibly occur this way as a conclusion of humans acting in a wrong way throughout a span of living? A tail is a symbol of harmony and control, us humans not having a tail may show that humans cannot stay as a child, but must grow without purity. It’s a possibility that humans had tails at a point in our past, but following what was said prior, it would display that our individuality was also full of purity, so much, that it could form a tail from our torsos.(219) What if I told you that this was valid? That all humans at a point in our past had tails upon our body. That all humans with purity also carry this tail upon torsos. That any who contain an impurity within a body simply cannot spot this tail. That kids go through an awkward point as a conclusion of losing this tail. And if I said that it was normal to carry a tail, would you trust this author’s words?(300)

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