Di - The three common signs or indicators of stress are being tense, uptight and angry.
Dii – Two examples of circumstances or situations that cause you to feel stress are poor working relationships and work pressure such as under staffing.
Diii – There are several different ways to manage stress, you could take a walk, physical exercise has been proven to reduce stress levels as it uses up all of the energy the body produces when stressed. Another way of managing stress is to talk your problems through with someone else, this way you will be able to highlight the problems and discuss ways of managing these problems.
Dv – The procedure to follow in the event of a sudden illness or accident is this to home manager or most senior member of staff in the workplace, if you need medical assistance a ambulance will be rang, if you need to go home, another member of staff will need to cover your shift
Dvi – It is important to assess health and safety risks as you will be able to identify the likelihood of the risk happening, the cause and ways to minimise this risk.
Dvii – There are three different ways of promoting good health and safety practice in an adult social care setting by educating others of good practice, by showing good practice through your own work and report and serious failings you may have witnessed to your manager. Dv – The procedure to follow in the event of a sudden illness or accident is this to home manager or most senior member of staff in the workplace, if you need medical assistance a ambulance will be rang, if you need to go home, another member of staff will need to cover your shift, yourself or senior member of staff will need to complete an accident report and a critical incident report and this will need to be sent to head off. The home will try to reduce the spread of infection by having you leave the home as soon as possible.
Dvi – It is important to assess health and safety risks as you will be able to identify the