Outcome 1 Understand requirements for handling information in health and social care settings
1. Identify legislation and codes of practice that relate to handling information in health and social care
Data protection act 1998
Freedom of information act 2000
Privacy and electronic communications regulations 2003
Computer misuse act 1990
Human rights act 1998
2. Explain how legal requirements and codes of practice inform practice in handling information in health and social care.
Legal requirements for inform practice say that personal data shall be obtained only for one or more specified purpose and shall not be further processed in any manner than the reason it was obtained, personal data should be accurate and where necessary be kept up to date and that it should be kept for no longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes. Any personal data obtained should be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose or purposes and that appropriate measures are taking to ensure the information is secure from unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data. Codes of practice lays out standards in which the care worker has to work within, for information they obtain through must not be passed on outside of the work place, to not given information out over the phone to people who you cannot confirm who they are or if they have a right to know the information being given, to only pass on confidential information if there is a concern for someone health or wellbeing but with the individuals knowledge or consent or where there is an immediate danger to the individual and done through the duty of care and to ensure that any confidential information you are reading or updating if properly stored securely after use.
Outcome 2 Understand good practice in handling information in social care settings
1. Explain how to maintain records that are up to date, complete,