The street edge along the town’s major streets is poorly defined. Westgate and Bridge Street have no hierarchy of clear between pedestrian, vehicle, street trader and shop front. These results in an uncomfortable overlap between all movement systems with pedestrians on the vehicular path and cars parked on pavements. In this scramble for the street; street traders appropriate let over space.
The street edge along Main Road shows little to no framing of it by built form especially considering it is the major connector between the town centre and the suburb with its civic function. The buildings are far from the edge the open space is really ‘space left over after plan.’ Creek street looking onto the river is used as back-of-house and for parking by taxis. …show more content…
Along with this is the fact that most schools are primary to junior high and hardly any high schools.
4.5 Capital web
Public buildings are scattered all over the town with no strong public environment to tie it all together or reinforce the hierarchy of those streets which host these civic buildings.
4.6 Dominant economies
The dominant economies in the town are stagnant. Without adequate infrastructure tourism being the most dominant economy for the town cannot realize its full potential. Construction on the other hand is steadily flourishing because of the investment from people who work in cities and inject funds for building homes in the villages. The effect that this has had is the development of many hardware stores in the town, a function which is inappropriate for such a town. Farming, being active all year round is dominated by subsistence farming where only the surplus is sold.
To revitalize Port St Johns through fusion of education and living by inserting a new land use that will help build capacity from within the town and address its seasonal nature.