The 4-way test was made back in 1932 by a businessman named Herbert J. Taylor. The test was adopted by the Rotary Club back in 1942 as the perfect example of morally handling business. The 4-way test is a full-proof way to get correct answers and can be put to any question. One question that has been not answered by businessmen is ¡§Are corporate scandals morally right?¡¨ Well this simple test will be able to answer the biggest question facing businessmen today. Let¡¦s now look at the 4 questions.
± Is it the truth?
± Is it fair to all those concerned?
± Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
± Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Are corporate scandals truthful? Unfortunately over the pass few years there have been many examples of corporate scandals. One that happened last year was when a businesswoman had some inside information that was earned untruthfully, and she was able to save millions by selling the stock before they all fell way below in value. Any scandal involves some how not telling one person the exact truth and basically just lying to them.
Do corporate scandals show fairness to everyone? The easy answer to this one is, no. The scandals have one group of individuals or one person scamming the system some how and taking money that belongs to others. There are even laws as far back in history against stealing that the Bible has them recorded. I believe that one of the 10 Commandments refers to ¡§Thou shall not steal¡¨. Are corporate scandals capable of building goodwill and better friendships? There are two parts to this answer, goodwill is putting your time and heart into someone else¡¦s life and help them out with a problem. Goodwill definitely does not mean take other¡¦s money. But as for better friendships I don¡¦t really think so. For years in all of the movies haven¡¦t some of the main messages been that money doesn¡¦t by happiness and friends? The message applies to real life.