The product you planned to market should be of well in need by the public or your prospective customers. This is the reason why it is given more prominence in the 4 Ps of marketing. If it is not that much in need by the public then it is your marketing strategy first step to make it a must and should need by the public. This way of approach makes your next step of marketing quite easy and successful.
This is very much vital part of any marketing. Before marketing your product a wide range of survey should be done about the fixing the price for your product. This survey can give you an idea about competitor’s prices on the similar product. This way you can fix up on best suitable affordable price for the customers. This way you can make the whole marketing strategy successful. This is the reason why price is made part of 4 Ps of marketing.
When you are promoting your product all the necessary plans should be made towards the success of the product. This promotion should be in a way that all can accept your product in spite of being novice to them all. This way some discounts, gift coupons, gift galore should be introduced in your promotion. This way a product can be made familiar with the users. This is not only brings popularity to your new product also starts to accept it as a part of their life. This is the reason 4 Ps of marketing