1. The patient has a pH of 6.96, pO2 of 12, and pCO2 of 54.
2. There is a 1.0 x 0.5-cm area of avulsed tissue and a 3-cm gaping deep laceration of the chin.
3. Lungs: Clear to P&A. Heart: Not enlarged; A2 is greater than P2. There was a grade 1/6 decrescendo early diastolic high-frequency murmur.
4. Cycloplegic refraction: OD = +3.25 + 0.75 x 125 =20/30-1.
5. The patient received a 6000-gamma roentgen dose.
6. Iodipamide sodium I-131 was used.
7. We used a concentration of 5 x 105/mL.
8. A dilute solution of 1:1 was used.
9. He was scheduled for a T3 uptake.
10. Aqueous procaine penicillin G 4.8 million units intramuscularly with 1 g of probenecid orally, is still recommended for uncomplicated gonorrhea.
11. She returned today for her vitamin B12.
12. My plan was to give her 600,000 units of penicillin on the first day and give her half that on the second.
13. He denied symptoms of dysuria, hematuria, and urgency but did report nocturia x 2.
14. She is to take her medication q.4 h. with an additional one-half dose a.c.
15. I have an appointment for June 11 and I need to change it to July 1.
16. Six case histories were presented at the Tumor Board meeting today for a total of 97 this year.
17. We expect that thousands of students will be able to participate in this surgery through the use of closed-circuit TV.
18. He has been a 2 pack-a-day cigarette smoker for the last 40 years.
19. Please order six 20-gauge catheters.
20. WBC count 29.7, hemoglobin 13, platelet count 380.
21. I feel that my fee of $1200 is fair.
22. The jury awarded $1.2 million in damages to the parent of the child.
23. I removed a .45 slug from the left lower liver margin.
24. How many centimeters long was that tear in her thumb?
25. The hemoglobin was 8.8, hematocrit 26.5, white blood cells 8,100 with 80 segs and 18 lymphs.
26. You will notice that the standard leads I, II, aVL, and aVF are missing in the ECG lead-sequencing formats.
27. Then 5 mL of 1% lidocaine was injected into