Read the following instructions in order to complete this discussion, and review the example of how to complete the math required for this assignment:
• Read about Cowling’s Rule for child sized doses of medication (number 92 on page 119 of Elementary and Intermediate Algebra).
• Solve parts (a) and (b) of the problem using the following details indicated for the first letter of your last name:
|If your last |For part (a) of problem 92 use this information to calculate the child’s |For part (b) of problem 92 use this |
|name starts with letter|dose. |information to calculate the child’s |
| | |age. |
|A or Z |adult dose 400mg ibuprofen; 5 year old child |800mg adult, 233mg child |
|C or X |adult dose 500mg amoxicillin; 11 year old child |250mg adult, 52mg child |
|E or V |adult dose 1000mg acetaminophen; 8 year old child |600mg adult, 250mg child |
|G or T |adult dose 75mg Tamiflu; 6 year old child |500mg adult, 187mg child |
|I or R |adult dose 400mg ibuprofen; 7 year old child |1200mg adult,200mg child |
|K or P |adult dose 500mg amoxicillin; 9 year old child |100mg adult, 12.5mg child |
|M or N |adult dose 1000mg acetaminophen: 6 year old child |600mg adult, 200mg child |
|O or L |adult dose 75mg Tamiflu; 11 year old child |1000mg adult, 600g child |
|Q or J |adult dose 400mg