There are 5 individual different types of bone in the human body, first we have long bones, some being the longest bones available in the skeleton such as the tibia and femur but are also some of the smallest bones such as the metacarpals and metatarsals. The description best suited to long bones would be that they are longer in length than they are in width, with epiphysis at either end. (The bones growth plates). The inside of the bone is a spongy like substance known as cancellous bone which is where the bone marrow is found.
Next we have short bones, almost the same in width as they are length; this makes them particularly good at supporting and stabilising but providing very little movement. An example(s) of a short bone would …show more content…
The Axial Skeleton is the trunk or core to the human body; it works by covering and protecting its vital organs. It also acts as a ground for the attaching of muscles for movement. in the appendicular skeleton 58 bones are found in the hands (carpals, metacarpals and phalanges), 6 are found in the arm and forearm (ulna, radius, humerous), 4 are found in the pectoral girdle, 2 in the pelvic girdle, 8 in the femur, tibia and fibula, and 56 in the tarsals, metatarsals and phalanges. the appendicular skeleton is infused, this means it has better and a higher degree of movement as appose to the axial skeleton. this is due to the axial skeleton being used for pretection of the bodies vital organs such as the heart and brain. (heart being protected by the rib cage and the brain, the cranium.
6 main functions of the skeletal system
The skeletal system has 6 main functions, which enable us to do the simplest things as well as the more complex tasks. They include; Support, Movement, Protection, mineral homeostasis, Blood cell production and Storage of …show more content…
When the muscles contract, this allows the bones to move in a chosen direction.
The axial skeleton is the perfect solution for protecting the human body. E.g. the cranium protects the brain from moving around or taking direct blows from impact and the rib cage protects vital organs such as the heart.
Then we have Blood cell production, this is where red blood cells, which carry oxygen, and white blood cells, (able to create antibodies) which protects against the bodies infections, are produced and created in the bone marrow of the body.
The next function of the skeletal system is the Storing of minerals, linking directly with mineral homeostasis; this is when the bones store minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. In storage, in the body there are two different types of bone marrow inside, bone marrow in the bones store minerals and fat which can be found in long bones. The minerals are released into the blood stream when they are needed by parts of the body; this is known as mineral