shows the outline of Africa with Greenland, the United States, China, India, and Western Europe inside it. I decided to do a little bit of my own research on the topic. Here is what I found. “A New Chart of the World on Mercator’s Projection with the Tracts of the Most Celebrated & Recent Navigators”, By Henry Teesdale, 1844, showed Africa, which was right under Greenland, and was shown to be the same size. I then looked up world maps in general. What I found made me think. Pretty much all of the maps displayed on Google Images showed Africa as a very large land mass. When I asked a few of my peers if they had ever thought that map makers had been fooling them, they all said they knew that Africa was very, very large.
In response to the article, I think the particular chart was misleading to readers since the majority of people already know that Africa is very big. The subtitle, “Africa is much bigger than you think”, makes people think that Africa is even larger than they think it is.