
500 Word Essay on Accountability in Army

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500 Word Essay on Accountability in Army
Accountability in the army is important because soldiers as well as equipment, ammunition, food, water and other various supplies are vital to the operation and proper function of the army as a whole. To start with, soldiers must be accounted for because they are the responsibility of their team leader, squad leader, platoon sergeant, and so on. If you don't have accountability of soldiers then when you attempt to conduct a mission you may not have all the soldiers you should have and that could cost you not only failing your mission but your life and the lives of the soldiers with you. Having accountability of each and every soldier at all times lets the leadership know how many soldiers they can spare for various details and still continue with the mission at hand. Another thing that is very important to keep accountability on is equipment. If your soldiers don't have the equipment they need or the equipment they were issued then it could cause a major problem in the mission possibly causing you to fail the mission and lose lives of your soldiers for not having proper equipment. Not only is accountability of equipment highly important but making sure all the equipment works how it is designed and intended to be used. Accountability of ammunition is important as well, if you are on a mission and not all of your soldiers have ammunition then it could cost the mission and lives. Keeping accountability of your soldiers, your soldiers equipment status, and ammunition status are very important to completing a mission successfully without any problems. Also keeping track of soldiers equipment as well as ammunition can help save the army funds to put to better use to help soldiers with retirement, their benefits, various programs and classes. Another thing in the army to keep accountability on is food, it is the most important thing to accomplishing a mission successfully. If a soldier hasn't been able to eat for days because leaderships lack of accountability of food it

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