1. Whatever goes up two legs is an enemy.
2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
3. No animal shall wear clothes.
4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.
5. No animal shall drink alcohol.
6. No animal shall kill any other animal.
7. All animals are equal.
The Seven commandments of the animal farm serves as the basic principles of animalism. These commandments were studied and worked out by the pigs, in which it is an “unalterable law” that all animals on Animal Farm must live for. At first, this law is the foundation of their rebellion. But as the story goes by, this law was altered and became unjustifiable in which all are in favor of the pigs.
Among the seven commandments, which of the rules do I disapprove off? Generally, I disapprove off the whole Seven Commandments itself, for the reason that they were easily got revised in order for the pigs took advantage of them and grabbed the power for themselves. All the seven commandments were not obeyed by the pigs. Primarily once the pigs started walking on two legs, two legs became better than four. And they think that whoever walks on four legs and have wings are inferior to them. They also ended up wearing clothes. Furthermore, because they are the lawmakers, in which they can easily manipulate the law for their own benefit. Through it, the pigs feel that they are superior and above the law. One type of their abusive in power, is their corruption on the cow’s milk and the windfall apples that they are not taking them as privilege but because these are necessary for the pigs’ brain to think and work out. The first and following alterations of the remaining commandments, mainly based on the pigs’ selfish and greedy behavior. They want that they are always on top of everything. Due to this, they also came to the point of disobeying and altering the sixth commandment, which is no animal shall kill any other animal.
In contrary, if i really need to pick among the