Dustin Hoggitt
Mr. Silva
The Greatest Danger to Society
“Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear. Perhaps the action you take will be successful; perhaps different action or adjustments will have to follow. But any action is better than no action at all” (Norman Vincent
Peale). Throughout my life here on what is now called Manor Farm, I have been afraid. I have not been willing to take action against the corrupt and oppressive. My story has been captured and retold in the satirical novel Animal Farm by George Orwell. My life here on Manor Farm has always been the same, unchanging. First, Mr. Jones owned and fed us while also making us …show more content…
Those who know are the only ones who can actually do anything to stop the corruption. Taking no action against a crime is more harmful to society than doing nothing because the one who knows what is going on is the only person who can take action against the corruption. If they do not do anything, then society’s failure is put upon them for not doing anything to sop it. This can be seen today in Congress.
Many representatives in Congress take bribes and create scandals in order to benefit themselves.
For many years, this went unnoticed in the public’s eye, and nothing could be done to stop it because no one knew about it. Until many scandals and corruption became clear to the public about these under-the-table deals that impacted the citizens of the U.S., nothing could be done.
Today, thanks to many newspapers like The Washington Post and The New York Times, the public is aware of this type of corruption and has taken action against it. Today, citizens vote for those who appear to have more morals, who are in politics to better society, not their wallets. It has been proven that vice is more dangerous than folly because without taking action …show more content…
Even though these people in society are the only reason that such corruption can take place, they would never be able to do anything to stop the evil because of their stupidity. On the farm, “it was found that the stupider animals … were unable to learn the seven commandments by heart” (Orwell 50). The animals are set up to fail from the beginning because they are too stupid to even know the laws of the land. If they cannot even remember these simple things how would they be able to check the power of their leaders? It is easily seen that the animals that are too foolish on the farm to do anything are not to blame for letting the power corruption go unchecked because they do not even know it is happening, and therefore do nothing to stop it. This can easily be seen in many people of the world today. Many citizens of today’s world accept and believe anything they are told by their biggest influences, usually their parents. This can be seen when children adopt their parent’s political parties and political ideology. These young adults believe what they are told without even questioning it just like