This lab contains the following exercises and activities:
Exercise 4.1Installing Windows 7 AIK
Exercise 4.2Creating an Answer File
Exercise 4.3Creating a Windows PE Boot Image
Exercise 4.4Capturing an Image
Lab Challenge 4.1 Creating a Capture Image
As part of the planning stage of a Windows 7 workstation deployment project, you have been assigned the task of installing the Windows 7 Automated Installation Kit, building a reference computer, and capturing an image of the reference computer.
Estimated lab time: 80 minutes
Exercise 4.1 Installing Windows 7 AIK Overview In Exercise 4.1, you install Windows 7 AIK on a workstation, using installation files stored on your server. Completion time 10 minutes 3810-935990001196975-93662500
Log on to NYC-CL1 using the contoso\Administrator user account and the password Pa$$w0rd.
Click Start, and in the Search programs and files box, type \\rwdc01\labfiles\waik\startcd.exe and press Enter. The Welcome to Windows Automated Installation Kit window appears, as shown in Figure 4-1.
Figure 4-1
The Welcome to Windows Automated Installation Kit window
Click Windows AIK Setup. The Windows Automated Installation Kit Setup Wizard appears.
Click Next to bypass the Welcome page. The License Terms page appears.
Select the I agree option and click Next. The Select Installation Folder page appears.
Click Next to accept the default folder. The Confirm Installation page appears.
Click Next. The wizard installs the Windows 7 AIK, and then displays the
Installation Complete page.
Click Close.
Close the Welcome to Windows Automated Installation Kit window.
Leave the workstation logged on for the next exercise.
Exercise 4.2 Creating an Answer File
Overview In Exercise 4.2, you use the Windows System Image Manager to create an answer file that partitions a