8.02 Editorial
Stress; weightless, invisible, and deadly. Stress is not a disease of any sort but yet, it affects almost every person on the face to this planet, from the Marshall Islands to Hawaii. Stress can be defined as “an unpleasant state of emotional and physiological arousal that people experience in situations that they perceive as dangerous or threatening to their well-being.” Regardless of your age, weight, height, skin color, or environment, you will encounter stress at least once in your lifetime. Stress is caused by anything that frustrates you. In the case of teenager, the stressor may be school, peer pressure, gangs, drugs violence, their environment, and many other problems. In adults’ stressors can come from their …show more content…
work environment, trouble with their spouse, overdue bills, etc. For both teen agers and adults, the most stressful event is the loss of a loved one. There are three general categories that stressor can be grouped in, which are: major life changes, catastrophic events, and daily hassles.
The majority of the stress that we deal with in our lives is a result of daily hassle that we experience. Daily hassle may be living in a noisy neighborhood, waiting in a long line, failing a quiz or exam, or failing a class in school. Circumstances like these may cause mild, short-term stress. Major changes in an adults live may include the loss of a job, imprisonment, or going through a divorce. Catastrophic events are the most extreme example of stress. This takes place when a person experiences a life-threatening event, such as surviving a natural disaster, sexual assault, an automobile accident, violent physical attacks or losing a love one. Recognizing and accepting the symptoms of stress maybe the first step in relieving yourself of stress. Early signs of stress may be frequent headaches, tense muscles, an increase in your heartbeat, unexplained sweating, stomach pains, and/or cold hands. These effects may be caused by the daily hassles of a person’s everyday life. On a more serious level, stress may also cause much more serious effects that may require for a person to consult with a doctor or psychologist, such as hypertension (high blood pressure), heart disease,
asthma, cancer, and the worst of all, death. Says Dr Sujatha Sharraof the Public Health Foundation. Clearly then, you teachers must find another way to figure out if we have taught what you have being trying to teach us, without calling it an exam. Perhaps with conversations, or by playing games, live is already stressful enough. First we stress out because we hear our talking about important things we have no idea about, then others stress out because their parents are getting a divorce, some even stress out because they have no food. Furthermore, when in school we stress out when its FCAT season. In final analysis, taking exams is very stressful, therefore, teachers please find another way to learn if we have learn your lesson, by using another strategy, without calling it an exam. The word itself brings chills down my back.