Sub-Objective Name Technology Fundamentals
Objective Tested Describe 802.11 fundamentals Bloom Level 1
Question Stem Two users want to connect using a wireless network directly without using a production wireless network. Which of the following 802.11 standard wireless networks allows this type of connectivity?
Options (A) IBSS (B) BSS (C) ESS (D) WPAN (E)
Correct Answer(s) A
The 802.11 IBSS standard allows two or more wireless clients to communicate directly with each other, considering there is no other means of network connectivity. This is also known as ad hoc wireless network.
Sub-Objective Name Technology Fundamentals
Objective Tested Describe basic Wi-Fi governance Bloom Level 2
Question Stem Which of the following is the …show more content…
Options (A) An X.509 certificate is preinstalled in each device when it is purchased, which allows authentication of the AP to the WLC. (B) Each AP must authenticate with the WLC based on the MAC address pre-configured on the WLC. (C) The WLC must be configured to authenticate each AP based on RSA certificates installed on them. (D) The AP must authenticate with the WLC using a preconfigured password. (E)
Correct Answer(s) A
The method introduced into the network is pre-installation of an X.509 certificate in each device when it is purchased, which allows authentication of the AP to the WLC. Every LAP and WLC must also authenticate each other with digital certificates. By using certificates behind the scenes, every device is properly authenticated before becoming part of the wireless network. This process helps assure that no rogue non-CAPWAP AP can be introduced into the