Assessment, Projects & Resources
Unit 1 (Short Stories)
Reading and Literature
A. Fluency
B. Vocabulary Expansion
C. Comprehension
D. Literature
B1. Acquire, understand, and use vocabulary through explicict and indirect vocabulary instruction and independent reading.
B2. Determine the meaning of unknown words by using a dictionary or context clues.
B3. Recognize and interpret words with multiple meanings.
B4. Describe the influences of other languages on the English Language.
B5. Apply knowledge of Greek and Latin roots, prefixes and suffixes to understand content area vocabulary.
B6. Determine word meanings by using definition, restatement, example, comparison or contrast.
B7. Identify and explain analogies, similes and metaphors.
B8. Apply correct word pronunciation and inflection.
C1. Summarize and paraphrase main idea and supporting details
C2. Recall and use prior learning and preview text to prepare for reading.
C3. Comprehend, interpret and evaluate information in a variety of texts using a combination of strategies
C4. Make inferences and draw conclusions based on explicit and implied information
C7. Use knowledge of narrative and expository text structures in a variety of content areas to summarize information.
C10 Monitor comprehension and use strategies to clarify understanding of the selection.
C13. Identify and utilize a variety of sources to compare and contrast information.
C14. Critically read and evaluate to determine the author’s purpose, point of view, audience and message.
D1. Read a variety of high quality literature.
D2. Analyze and evaluate relationships among elements of fiction.
D4. Analyze and evaluate how figurative language and literary devices contribute to the meaning of the text.
D5. Contrast points of view in narrative texts and explain how they