3 February 2013
The attack on the United States on September 11, 2001 (better known as 9/11) by Osama Bin Laden rammed a wedge into the relationship between the United States and the Islamic world. In result the U.S. invaded Afghanistan and the invaded Iraq. Professor Irogbe’s article on the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq argues that the U.S. actions are igniting rather than reducing global terrorism and if U.S. were to withdraw troops from these countries it would promise for global peace and security. The article covers the cost of human and financial resources of the war, abuses committed by invaders including the application of extraordinary rendition, the indefinite detention of prisoners …show more content…
Two planes were slammed in the twin towers killing 3,000 people and injuring 6,000. Another plane plunged in the Pentagon killing 186 people, the fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania after the passengers on the plane charged the hijackers which caused them to lose control of the plane, in result everyone on board died. Iraq felt the United States got what they deserved because of past and present U.S. policies in the Middle East. Palestinians praised the terrorist attacks against Americans because U.S. continuing support for Israel and its military presence in Saudi Arabia. However the policies towards the Middle East do not justify the 9/11 attacks by the Al Qaeda network. The attack was acted out of frustration by people who failed to confront the oppressive governments internally in their dual struggle. President George W. Bush confronted Al Qaeda and demanded that Afghanistan turn Bin Laden over to the U.S. After Taliban failed to meet the demand, the U.S. provided military assistance to the Northern Alliance. In March troops were deployed in the land and the act was called “war against global terrorism. The expenses of these attacks were out of control. The international community pledged 1.8 billion in 2002 to help rebuild Afghanistan and another 2.7 billion to come in subsequent years. The U.S. continued to escalate the war even after Taliban power had been removed and the money to rebuild their country was not handed over. The Taliban has shown that they are going to fight until the end and for America, this is Vietnam being