Where is your Control
Locus means Place
Control means “You all know”
LOC = Where is your control
Lets check LOC
What is Locus of Control?
Locus of Control is considered to be an important aspect of personality within
The concept was developed originally Julian
Rotter in the 1950s (Rotter, 1966).
What is Locus of Control?
Locus of Control refers to an individual's perception about the underlying main causes of events in his/her life. Or, more simply:
Do you believe that your destiny is controlled by yourself or by external forces (such as fate, god, or powerful others)?
Thus, locus of control is conceptualized as referring to a unidimensional continuum, ranging from external to internal:
LOC & Motivation
Internal LOC
External LOC
People accept responsibility for events (Davis
Individuals blame their environment for failures (Phares et al. 1971)
Internals believe that the probability of goal attainment is directly proportional to their efforts and their ability to learn from repeated experiences (Lefcourt, 1982) .
Externals do not see the relationship between their efforts and the ultimate results of these efforts (Lefcourt, 1982).
and Davis, 1972)
Set more difficult goals for themselves (Yukl and Latham, 1978)
Externals attribute a high probability to luck as a determinant for significant events
(Friedland, 1992).
LOC & Stress
When an individual perceives that they are in control of the situation, the probability is that he will be less likely to view the situation as threatening or stress inducing. (Chan, 1977)
The type of Loc and adaptation to stress is interrelated.
(Ivancevich & Matteson)
Externality (i.e fate, luck chance etc) is positively related to general life stress and job stress. (DiMatteo et al. 1993, Evans and
Coman, 1993)
Since Internality leads to lower anxiety experience, internal
LOC may act as a stress buffer. (Daniels & Guppy, 1992).
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