The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped organ located in the throat just above the collarbone. It is one of the most important, and most overlooked, organs in the body. In fact, the thyroid is largely responsible for the body's temperature, appetite, metabolism, heart health, and regulation of the brain, kidneys, reproductive system, etc. In other words, when the thyroid is working you never notice it is there, but when something goes wrong, things can spin out of control really fast. Many people who suffer from weight problems, sleeplessness, fatigue, depression, etc. are actually feeling the effects of thyroid problems.
The two main thyroid problems are hyperthyroidism (the thyroid produces too much thyroid hormone) and hypothyroidism (the thyroid does not produce enough thyroid hormone). According to the Cleveland Clinic, over 20 million people suffer from thyroid disorder in the United States alone. Women are five times more likely to develop thyroid problems than men with 20 percent of women over 60 years of age experiencing thyroid disease. Researchers estimate that a quarter of seniors diagnosed with mental illness may actually be suffering from thyroid disease. …show more content…
The most common culprits are smoking, excessive stress, a lack of exercise, and iodine deficiencies in the diet. At present, seniors cannot override their genetics, but there is a lot that can be done about the lifestyle issues. In fact, most treatments for genetic-related thyroid problems are the same as the ones for issues arising from other