With this, being the corporate giant they are, released a movie in theaters as soon ago as 2016. This movie was known as Moana, and the movie follows the plot of a girl named Moana, who is the next-in-line chief of her island, Motunui which resides within the many Polynesian isles. Conflict arises however, when she wants to explore the world and leave the island, much to her father's (a possible sexist force against Moana) discontent, for “the island here is safe, no going beyond the reef.” (Disney, 2016) However, darkness begins to consume her island so her ‘crazy’ grandma tells her to polynesian demigod known as Maui in order to fix
With this, being the corporate giant they are, released a movie in theaters as soon ago as 2016. This movie was known as Moana, and the movie follows the plot of a girl named Moana, who is the next-in-line chief of her island, Motunui which resides within the many Polynesian isles. Conflict arises however, when she wants to explore the world and leave the island, much to her father's (a possible sexist force against Moana) discontent, for “the island here is safe, no going beyond the reef.” (Disney, 2016) However, darkness begins to consume her island so her ‘crazy’ grandma tells her to polynesian demigod known as Maui in order to fix