In Robin Wilson’s, A Lifetime of Student Debt? Not Likely, he expresses how tuition cost are being exaggerated, in fact he says “the problem among students who go heavily into debt is that they are determined to attend their dream college, no matter the …show more content…
My neighbor was a couple of years older than me, so by the time she had been attending college she would infuse me with her experiences. Lucky for me, she was able to provide with wise advice that ultimately helped me come to where I am now. My friend/neighbor struggled during college, but she always held her head high and even after the obstacles she was able to overcome them and find a job that suited what she wanted. One of the many lessons I learned from her was that there are a myriad possibilities to the kind of job you might land, but when you earn a degree the opportunities are maximized, and we should always keep mindful of that. Society has posed college as either the road to success or a road that leads to a vast place of failure, however, I disagree with the statement that it can lead to failure merely because even after graduation the graduate has acquired knowledge and experience. The ability to have acquired so much knowledge not only from the professors but also from the classmates helps shape the mentality of the