The real reason behind Sir Walter’s hatred of the navy is revealed when he condemns it as “a means of bringing persons of obscure birth into undue distinction” despite their hard work and honourable service to their country. Sir Walter insinuates that people should be inherently born with class, denoted by physical appearance or inheritance of property, and feels his own position is in itself superior as it was given to him at birth. John Mullen supports the view that Austen’s constant mockery of Sir Walter conveys the changing attitudes during the period as he states that navy men “were widely admired and paraded proudly in their uniforms,” making Sir Walter’s attitude “clearly idiotic.” Sir Walter’s views are reiterated in Dorian Gray by the more sinister character of Lord Henry who states that beauty “has divine right of sovereignty [and] makes princes of those who have it,” suggesting appearance alone should be the means through which individuals are raised to the status of royalty or even gods as it grants them power and
The real reason behind Sir Walter’s hatred of the navy is revealed when he condemns it as “a means of bringing persons of obscure birth into undue distinction” despite their hard work and honourable service to their country. Sir Walter insinuates that people should be inherently born with class, denoted by physical appearance or inheritance of property, and feels his own position is in itself superior as it was given to him at birth. John Mullen supports the view that Austen’s constant mockery of Sir Walter conveys the changing attitudes during the period as he states that navy men “were widely admired and paraded proudly in their uniforms,” making Sir Walter’s attitude “clearly idiotic.” Sir Walter’s views are reiterated in Dorian Gray by the more sinister character of Lord Henry who states that beauty “has divine right of sovereignty [and] makes princes of those who have it,” suggesting appearance alone should be the means through which individuals are raised to the status of royalty or even gods as it grants them power and