Step over him or her and into the next room where your entire room is flooded; make this as vivid as possible; such as ruined furniture or sparking electronics. Then a big viking in a longboat crashes in an helps you get safely into the next room where you and him eat some oats. Proceed into another room where your friend in the banana suit is changing into a pickle suit; who then tries to bribe you with cookies, but before you could get the cookies Jason comes running in with his machete swinging widely steals your cookies and jumps out the window. The point of this may seem weird, but it helped me to remember the random things I listed before. The point is to use a familiar place that can contain the items (names, directions, numbers, ect), and to make the mental images as strange and funny as possible. This allows for in my experience long term memory. On a side note you can have multiple things in one room. You could walk into a room and use different objects in the room as containers for the information you need, such as a table could then be shaped into a certain country in africa with the name etched into the side of
Step over him or her and into the next room where your entire room is flooded; make this as vivid as possible; such as ruined furniture or sparking electronics. Then a big viking in a longboat crashes in an helps you get safely into the next room where you and him eat some oats. Proceed into another room where your friend in the banana suit is changing into a pickle suit; who then tries to bribe you with cookies, but before you could get the cookies Jason comes running in with his machete swinging widely steals your cookies and jumps out the window. The point of this may seem weird, but it helped me to remember the random things I listed before. The point is to use a familiar place that can contain the items (names, directions, numbers, ect), and to make the mental images as strange and funny as possible. This allows for in my experience long term memory. On a side note you can have multiple things in one room. You could walk into a room and use different objects in the room as containers for the information you need, such as a table could then be shaped into a certain country in africa with the name etched into the side of