the strategy to present the ideas clearly, and show up to the readers common problems into the community, city or place.
In this form the readers have a projection about the time and place he talks about in the story. In this specific case the writer Jonathan Swift criticize the society behavers in his town, He present in the story “A Modest Proposal” the horrific situation in this place in 1729 when the Iris population had to confront during that time. Also he showing his strong angry feelings about the situation, with this story he has the mission to make the difference with his …show more content…
writing. For that reason he use this strategy to show us who this circumstances impact him directly and indirectly into the reality. When he use this phrase “My intention is very far from being confident to provide only for the children of professed beggars” He expresses who important is for him show up his bad feelings into part of the story. At this form he is communicate in one sentence who worse and miserable is this situation for him. And demonstrate the real problems these people have to confront in the “kingdom”. This is one example of metaphor in the essay, with this instance the author use this comparison to describe the city to a Kingdom. This town represent everything for him, for that reason this city is too important for him because is his entail world. He calls that city “The Kingdom “, because for him is like a beautiful dream with horrible realities and worse secrets.
In my opinion, the kingdom is a beautiful place, with wonderful gardens, money, luxuries houses, with servants around the king and happy people around. But the reality in this town is totally different than the real kingdom. Most of the people are not happy, they do not have good perspective in their life or just a little hope to see a change in the town, to get better future. Because the progress is like a nice dream for them. In Jonathan Kingdom the luxuries are the lonely and sadness, and the problems changed their smiles into a miserable mask to carry on every single day. For that reason the author project some women actions in the story like something they have to carry to life like, offering her bodies to some man to survive and turn her dreams into a nightmare. The opportunity to have a family and kids in the future got change, for a plate of food or money to help their parents. But is all this money compared with the price of the torment and the agony they have to diel every single day? When we lost the opportunity to have a baby with the right men, that person who give to one the real love and offering protection, and make it feel special with just one action, married us, do not have
price. But sometimes life is not fare with us, we try to probe us we can make it but some situations are strong and worse than ours. For these reason that poor women and kids have to pay, high price to survive at that time; Kids offering their innocence for a gun to help their parents and the poor mothers have to use the tears cleaning their soul from the pain and the frustration. In other cases some kids are sold with only 12 years to work and serve. But my question is this the areal Kingdom for Jonathan? Probably no but is the best form to show up the problems and call for help; also the necessity to make a change is imperative at this time of the story. Is not easy stop all that bad thing in that city but is better say something than be part of that. This essay for him is the way to call the attention into the community, at this form they can to protect their children’s from the corruption, and the murdering future in that city. He wrote all these problems too because sometimes people need that voice to tell then what is right and what is wrong. When we listen the problems and looking into for a solution. We can make the change the future; maybe, that is the Jonathan intention with this story he wants to see what happened with these problems and what this people doing to found an answer. Because necessity force them make a change in their life to give an opportunity to be better and life better. For other hand the morality is not part of the story and the immorality is a consequence not an option to survive. Sometime is the necessity and the situation who make the change. What happen when the melancholic population acting like a zombies in the streets, moving just for the necessity without propose. Perhaps dignity is not a part of the community, women offering her young kids into the community because they have to work for long hours and that poor kids have to change the toys for work. This the child’s has the worse experience of their life. Because the desolation of feelings and hope mark their souls in each experience with the desolate future without changes or possibilities to make it true. For that reason was so imperative for him show all these problems because for him this city is him entire world. For me is the best form to cheer love to others.