For example, Angelou delivers a sense of community that revolves around the church in her vision of America and that is not all strictly defined by racism: “Even the minister preached on graduation the Sunday before. His subject was, ‘Let your light so shine that men will see your good works and praise your Father, Who is in Heaven’” (Angelou 24). Obama adds to this idea by sharing his experience at Trinity, “Trinity embodies the black community in it’s entirety--the doctor and the welfare mom, the model student and the former gang-banger” (652). The churches mentioned in their pieces share another way of viewing America. Not only a place where segregation unfortunately still exists, but also a place where people come
For example, Angelou delivers a sense of community that revolves around the church in her vision of America and that is not all strictly defined by racism: “Even the minister preached on graduation the Sunday before. His subject was, ‘Let your light so shine that men will see your good works and praise your Father, Who is in Heaven’” (Angelou 24). Obama adds to this idea by sharing his experience at Trinity, “Trinity embodies the black community in it’s entirety--the doctor and the welfare mom, the model student and the former gang-banger” (652). The churches mentioned in their pieces share another way of viewing America. Not only a place where segregation unfortunately still exists, but also a place where people come