The story contrasts children’s innocence and imagination with adults’ materialistic and shallow outlook. The story even suggests children as being more spiritually advanced than adults. Seymour’s behavior seems to be accepted around children but peculiar around adults. This is mainly because their naiveté makes them more capable of seeing others with the soul than just the eyes. This innocence and purity is referred to and valued throughout the story through Seymour kissing Sybil’s feet allowing him to demonstrate his reverence and love for youth and
The story contrasts children’s innocence and imagination with adults’ materialistic and shallow outlook. The story even suggests children as being more spiritually advanced than adults. Seymour’s behavior seems to be accepted around children but peculiar around adults. This is mainly because their naiveté makes them more capable of seeing others with the soul than just the eyes. This innocence and purity is referred to and valued throughout the story through Seymour kissing Sybil’s feet allowing him to demonstrate his reverence and love for youth and