* Theories are a set of interrelated concepts that give a systematic view of a phenomenon (an observable fact or event) that is explanatory & predictive in nature. * Theories are composed of concepts, definitions, models, propositions & are based on assumptions. * They are derived through two principal methods; deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning.
* to assess the patient condition by the various methods explained by the nursing theory * to identify the needs of the patient * to demonstrate an effective communication and interaction with the patient. * to select a theory for the application according to the need of the patient * to apply the theory to solve the identified problems of the patient * to evaluate the extent to which the process was fruitful.
* Nursing theory is an organized and systematic articulation of a set of statements related to questions in the discipline of nursing. * "A nursing theory is a set of concepts, definitions, relationships, and assumptions or propositions derived from nursing models or from other disciplines and project a purposive, systematic view of phenomena by designing specific inter-relationships among concepts for the purposes of describing, explaining, predicting, and /or prescribing." | | | The goal of nursing is “to put the patient in the best condition for nature to act upon him”. - Nightingale | Introduction * Born - 12 May 1820 * Founder of mordern nursing. * The first nursing theorist. * Also known as "The Lady with the Lamp" * She explained her environmental theory in her famous book Notes on Nursing: What it is, What it is not . * She was the first to propose nursing required specific education and training. * Her contribution during Crimean war is well-known. * She was a statistician, using bar and pie charts, highlighting key points. * International
References: * George B. Julia , Nursing Theories- The base for professional Nursing Practice , 3rd ed. Norwalk, Appleton & Lange. * Wills M.Evelyn, McEwen Melanie (2002). Theoretical Basis for Nursing Philadelphia. Lippincott Williams& wilkins. * Meleis Ibrahim Afaf (1997) , Theoretical Nursing : Development & Progress 3rd ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott. * Taylor Carol,Lillis Carol (2001)The Art & Science Of Nursing Care 4th ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott. * Potter A Patricia, Perry G Anne (1992) Fundamentals Of Nursing –Concepts Process & Practice 3rd ed. London Mosby Year Book. * Vandemark L.M. Awareness of self & expanding consciousness: using Nursing theories to prepare nurse –therapists Ment Health Nurs. 2006 Jul; 27(6) : 605-15 * Reed PG, The force of nursing theory guided- practice. Nurs Sci Q. 2006 Jul;19(3):225 | | |