Nursing Theorist: Betty Neuman
Nursing theories are the basic concepts that define nursing practice and provide the explanation to why nurses do what they do. Nurses are exposed to theories everyday in clinical practice. During any given day, a nurse will utilize multiple nursing theories. These theories guide how a nurse treats patients, how tasks are performed, assessments completed and interventions established. By studying nursing theory, it allows the nurse to sharpen critical thinking skills. One such theorist is Betty Neuman.
Betty Neuman Educational background and career path
Used widely in today’s nursing, Betty Neuman began developing her system many years ago. In 1947 she received RN Diploma from Peoples Hospital School of Nursing, Akron, Ohio. She then moved to California and gained experience as a hospital, staff, and head nurse; school nurse and industrial nurse; and as a clinical instructor in medical-surgical, critical care and communicable disease nursing. In 1957 Dr. Neuman attended the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) with double major in psychology and public health. She received BS in nursing from UCLA. In 1966 she received Masters Degree in Mental Health; Public Health Consultation from UCLA ("Nurses Info," “n.d.”, p. 1) Neuman developed a widely used theory model named, Neuman’s Systems Model in 1970. There are many aspects of today’s nursing that uses Neuman’s model.
Define Neuman’s metaparadigm in nursing
A metaparadigm (or major concept) in the application of Neuman’s system model addresses the person, environment, health, and nursing. The concepts combine to give the nurse an idea of how the client can use prevention to maintain wellness while being exposed to stressors. One example is preventing a pre-diabetic patient from developing into a diabetic patient.
Person: Client system was chosen because it can be applied to the individual, family or population at risk.
References: Alligood, M. R. (2010). Neuman’s system model in nursing practice. In Nursing theory utilization and application (4th ed., pp. 235-257). Maryland Heights, Missouri: Mosby Elsevier. Betty Neuman. (“n.d.”). Retrieved from Haggart, M. (1993). A critical analysis of Neuman’s System’s model in relation to public health nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 1917-1922. Retrieved from EBSCO Healthy people initiatives 2020. (“n.d.”). Retrieved October 27, 2014, from Masters, K. (2014). Framework for professional nursing practice. In A. Harvey (Ed.), Role development in professional nursing practice (3rd ed., pp. 47-82). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC. Thoolen, B., De Ridder, D., Bensing, J., Gorter, K., & Rutten, G. (2009). Beyond good intentions: The role of proactive coping in achieving sustained behavioural change in the context of diabetes management. Psychology & Health. Psychology and health, 24(3), 237-254.