use of knowledge and adaptation into practice. The four categories of grand theory include
needs, interaction, outcomes, and caring. Each type of grand nursing theory has its own unique
concepts, definitions, and proposition, with the purpose of assisting and bettering a patient's
well-being. Even with the same focus, each theory and corresponding theorist is much different
in regards to the approach in which the theory plans to achieve that goal. The following text will
discuss four particular grand theorists and their theories, as well as a synopsis of which which
theorist is most congruent with my personal philosophy of nursing.
Virginia Henderson earned her diploma while attending Army's School of Nursing in
1921 and completed classes at Columbia's Teacher's College, but it was not until years later that
she completed her bachelors and masters education at Columbia University. (Fulton, 1987, p.2)
This twentieth century Florence Nightingale developed a grand needs theory called the Principles
and Practice of Nursing. Within her concept, Henderson described fourteen components that she
believed every human being needed, some of which include, but are not limited to breathing
normally, sleep, maintaining desirable postures, and eliminating body waste. (Henderson, 1978,
p. 115) Henderson believed it was a nurse's duty to assist patients with the previously stated
needs in order to regain health, but to facilitate independence as well. All actions were to be done
to get the patient ultimately back to their baseline functioning. (Meleis, 2012, p. 162) Virginia
Henderson's views and definitions of nursing practice can be generalized into most, if not all
nursing practices. Not only is the theory easy to understand, but the theory's focus is basic
enough to be used in any nursing situation, from
References: American Nurses Association. (2014). Martha Elizabeth Rogers Inductee. Retrieved from http:// Frey, M.A., Norris, D.M., & Sieloff, C.L. (2002). King 's conceptual system and theory of goal attainment: Past, present, and future Fulton, J.S. (1987). Virginia Henderson: Theorist, prophet, poet. Advances in Nursing Science, 10(1), 1-17. Henderson, V. (1978). The concept of nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 3, 113-130. Meleis, A.I. (2012). Theoretical nursing: Development and progress (5th ed). Philedelphia, PA: Lippencott, Williams, Wilkens Messmer, P. & Palmer, J. (2008). Reflections on nursing leadership: In honor of Imogene M. King