
A Rhetorical Analysis Of Diana's Eulogy Of Princess Diana

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A Rhetorical Analysis Of Diana's Eulogy Of Princess Diana
Dianna’s brother, Earl Spencer, in his eulogy for Princess Diana, pays tribute to the admirable person she was. Spencer’s purpose is to share with the world the love and respect he had for his sister, but also to share the moments and memories the world never saw. He accomplishes this by using sanguine diction, pathos, and a deferential tone in order to remind the audience of the genuine goodness Diana had.
Spencer begins by using sanguine diction to share the “unique” qualities Diana had. For instance, he mentions how she “brightened lives,” through her altruism, “[her] boundless energy,” and “natural nobility.” This allowed him to give people who had never met her, a sense of her personality. By doing this people knew a side to Diana that

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