In a speech given to try to persuade members of the Public Safety Committee of the Dutchess County Legislature in New York, Aaron Weiss makes a strong case to repeal the Safe Act.…
Mark Gungor’s speech is presented as a dual issue. That is to say, the speaker explains, in such an interesting way, how a difference between men and women’s brain can be made. The register used to express the ideas is really intelligible; therefore it is easy to follow. In addition, public attention is perfectly caught due to the fact that a brain sculpture is used to figure out distinct parts of the brain to establish the characteristics that makes non–identical the thoughts, expressiveness, and so on, depending on the sex. Even if this talk is presented in a neurological way, it is enjoyable even for non-specialized…
In this political cartoon that was created by Mike Luckovich for the Atlanta journal strikes directly at the republican party. Stating that most people who are not middled aged christian white men are pretty much against them. It shows a large group of republicans but there are no women there even though there is a sign that says “ladies night”. One republican is asking another what other groups have they lost including the ones they already have even though it obvious that women are not at the party.…
In this essay, John M. Barry uses antithesis to display a contrast in his thoughts and the assuming thoughts of the readers. In doing this, the author is not only able to show the readers the different sides of how scientists are perceived by people, but as well as how they actually are in the world of scientific research. The author collates certainty and uncertainty as an example for the readers to view that scientists of the world are just like them. Scientists contain “certainty, [which] creates strength, and uncertainty, [which] creates weakness” (Barry). In using these disparities, Barry is showing the readers that “science teaches us to doubt” (Barry). By elaborating on the concepts of certainty and uncertainty, readers are able to see…
"Facebook encourages narcissistic blabbering, video and Powerpoint have replaced carefully crafted essays" Clive Thompson, author of this excerpt, shows how social media as well as technology is disintegrating our level of knowledge. He states that the Z generation is the age of technology and children are not as aware of their surroundings as other generations. They do not read, their IQ scores have dropped, and the way they carry themselves shows that this is the dumbest generation.…
Robert Ebert, columnist for the Chicago Sun, argues the lack of a real plotline in the movie, “Paranormal Activity 2,” makes the movie terrible. What makes people continue to go watch the paranormal activity series is the scare they receive when watching it. Ebert uses the repetition of the word “gotcha” instead of the word scare to lower the reputation of the movie so that you view the movie as childish. Also, Ebert comments on the unnecessary use of stating the time and day. He shows that he did not understand why the directors would state that there was a certain amount of “days before the death of Micah Sloat.” Ebert criticizes the fact by stating “What are we supposed to do…
This political cartoon created by Signe Wilkinson was published in the Philadelphia Inquirer in 2019. This cartoon depicts a female and male soccer team opposite each other, with the female team being treated indifferently, by the Soccer Federation in the centre, despite its substantial success. Through this political cartoon, Wilkinson aims to inform U.S rugby enthusiasts about the Soccer Federation’s indifference in U.S women’s soccer compared to U.S men’s soccer despite the U.S women’s soccer success. Wilkinson achieves this through: emphasising the size of the women’s soccer ball, employing statistics within both the U.S men and women’s soccer ball to demonstrate logos, and highlighting the text on the soccer shoes to encourage change to the treatment of U.S women’s soccer.…
Ron Carlson’s Reading the Paper is a list of the things occurring in the time period of a day in the life of a character. The idea of the common everyday life is represented with the very first sentence: ALL I WANT TO DO is read the paper, but I’ve got to do the wash first.…
Well, this is blunt to say the least! Writing as being communication and not self-expression is all in a matter of one’s opinion. I detect, that Richard Peck my not like to waste his time on reading others feelings, thoughts, or ideas. In my assessment, this appears to be absolutely hypocritical of him. I myself appreciate reading about different people's self-expressions besides just my own. Therefore, by my observation of Richard Peck statement; it is just a mere feeling, thought or ideas he is projecting. So how ironic is his statement? In my conclusion, it’s bona fide irony.…
Daniel Webster created a speech in 1825, which he delivered to the people who were fighting in the American Revolutionary War. Webster uses pathos, logos, ethos, diction, and syntax in his speech in different ways, some of them more than others.…
Continuing his argument, Johnson introduces his audience to the idea of the dignity of the nation not worth to respect and the harshness of the current issues. Johnson imparts information of the “dignity of man” in the sense of the south of the nation (1). The nation’s future is what Johnson solely wants to display as the white man has controlled the being of the nation for centuries and it made the nation’s self-esteem grow. The issues of equality are tested as he pushes to want to pass this bill. To make his point, Johnson exemplifies the difficulties of the African American population.…
During my research on a public speaker, I had come across this motivational and leadership speaker Steve Bedwell. On February 17, 2012, he gave a speech on how people tend to act towards different situations and other people. In an auditorium full of business and health care leaders he also jump starts them into effective action with what goes on in the world with people.…
All can relate to that one special time of the year, Christmas, when whole families unite and spend hours endlessly sharing stories, making memories, and of course, opening presents! What happens though, when all of the sentimental value of Christmas is replaced solely with physical value, the gifts? What would Christmas be like then? Richard Rodriguez takes the readers through one of his annual Christmases and brings to light, through his thoughts, the disconnect that exists between himself, his siblings, and his parents. Rodriguez’ chronological presentation of events with flashbacks, short, abrupt syntax, light-hearted attention to detail and concerned tone contribute to suggest his worried attitude toward his family.…
“The Dark Knight,” a movie directed and produced by Christopher Nolan, depicts the way a system of justice deals with terrorism. If an archetype is defined as a symbol that exists instinctively in the collective consciousness of the human race, the terrorism in Batman The Dark Knight represents an archetype through the violence, murder of the innocent, mayhem and mass destruction. Governments often lay down laws and procedures for a country to function, and to avoid anarchy. The laws promote wellness, equality, and justice, but sometimes even these entities of justice are forced to break the law for a greater good. In contemporary U.S. history, President Barack Obama, the head of one of the most powerful countries in the world, decided to introduce a select team of individuals into Pakistan, in an illegal manner, in order to kill Osama bin Laden, the head of an international Islamic terrorist group known as al-Qaeda. In the movie these two sides of justice are represented by two “knights.” On one side, Batman, who is constantly referred to as the dark knight and on the other Harvey Dent, who is referred to as the white knight. The words “white” and “dark” have two specific connotations, one which brings to mind the concept of light, an archetype that symbolizes purity, justice, hope, and clarity. The other invokes into mind the concept of darkness, an archetype which embodies fear, ignorance, despair, and the unknown. The use of this archetypical antithesis throughout the whole movie is an allusion to the two sides of justice: the “white side” and the “dark side.” Terrorism is represented by the criminal mastermind known as “The Joker,” a cynical clown that is very similar to Islamic terrorists, an archetype of the devil figure. The most prevalent real life terrorist in current world news is Osama bin Laden, the head of al Qaeda. He plans and orders attacks onto specific targets through suicide bombings, representing the notion…
In 2008, the pinnacle of American success and prosperity was beginning to disintegrate. America was in a downward spiral towards corruption, poverty, chaos, and financial instability. Barack Obama delivers an empowering inauguration speech, in 2008, bringing forth that Americans need to unify in order to return America to its rightful and bestowed place. In his speech, Obama utilizes an assuring tone to emphasize unity and the restoration of America also; he alludes to historical instances to convey a sense of legacy within the American people.…