The beginning is full of emotionally charged words that help to create a sympathetic image. She noted that she was “eight months pregnant” and that her husband found it kind of difficult to “fight with a massively pregnant person”. She evokes the image of the vulnerability’s and challenges that come with being so pregnant, and also the high emotions that a women feel at the time which introduces the argument and how serious it is. Her goal during this article was to make the readers feel sympathy for her. She added in her article words and phrases that add to her goal for sympathy words such as, sucks, Headachy, insisted, argued, and being judged. All of these evoke bad emotions about cleaning, which in turn makes the reader see the connection about women who feel judged or shunned may have negative feelings. Another idea she enforces with her choices of word throughout the article is the concept of fairness; more house work, fair share, and a week and a half more of a “second shift” work, were just a few of her brilliant choices or words throughout her article. The words she chose helped her establish the sense of unfairness that exists when a woman does all of the house work, these words also appeal to …show more content…
Though she mostly persuades the reader to see how uneven housework is distributed and how unfair it is, she loses the strength of her argument towards the end, which is where she should have been really hitting a home run in the article. The reader can see the problems that exist in the world and in her marriage it is hard for the reader to take it seriously towards the end. She lost the reader when she shifted her focus away from the point and to sarcasm and humor. She could have done a better job at driving home the point that a woman’s work could easily be done by a man if men actually