•Take care of the household and it's dependent members.
•They perform domestic chores such as washing, ironing, buying foods and drinks, cooking and cleaning. They may also run errands and walk the family pet.
•A large part of their job is taking care of the children; if there are elderly or disabled people in the household, they may care for them as well.
Homemakers - Then
•Traditionally, women have filled the role of homemaker
•The role of homemaker varies in families based on ethical and racial cultures
•The era of modern housewife definitely belongs in the past
•The efforts of the feminist movement
Homemaker - Changing Times
•New roles for men as homemakers
•Advertisers projecting more non-gender household cleaning media ads
•Businesses providing paid and unpaid personal days for employees (especially men) without stigma
•New labour saving devices
•Immigrant men learn how to broaden paternal role
•Participants of all ages share concerns about fatherhood as program pioneers shift to mosque ~ May 17, 2008
Homemaker - Now
•Economical Changes
•Societal Involvement / Women's Movement
•Legislation of Same-Sex Marriages
•Traditional beliefs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpy09t7BVHo Homemaker – Impact on Families
•Children will be socialized by taking an active part in homemaking responsibilities and by the values and examples that their parents instill in them growing up.
•There may be less dissatisfaction in couples/marriages because each one will have the sense of contributing into the home and also a sense of equal responsibility.
•In couples who come from an ethnic/cultural background, the couples/marriage relationship may be negatively affected by the expectations of the role of homemaker.
•Cultural differences may have a tremendous impact in the way males and females behave in the home and in society.