The family dynamics of the TV show “Married with Children” depicts a dysfunctional, but yet understanding between each family member. Their daily interaction with each other would suggest lack of communication that is taken seriously in the family unit. The husband (Al- Bundy) and wife (Peggy Bundy) presented a disconnection between the two of them steaming from the dysfunction in their marriage. Al Bundy attitude towards his wife appeared to be one with lack of an intimate and emotional connection. Peggy Bundy appeared to have an unconditional love for her husband, but seems to be missing the love that she wants from her husband. Their relationship seemed to be functionally dysfunctional as they move through their everyday lives. Peggy and Al relationship seem to affect their relationship with their children Kelly and Bud, presenting as such of lack of respect for their father.
Family Structure
The Bundy family consists of a family unit of four, with both biological parents married and living together in the same house. Peggy, a stay at home mom seems only to concern herself with shopping, and beautifying herself. Al plays more of a financial patriarch of the family, although he is not respected, the family unit seems to respect the income that he brings in. Al distain with his marriage and life seems to affect their family structure which causes a dysfunctional relationship with his children. Bowen a psychiatrist theory hypothesizes that a husband and wife’s levels of differentiation are one of the key factors that influences their developing nuclear family’s functioning (Bowen, 1978; Kerr& Bowen, 1988; Papero, 1990).
Family Values
Peggy and Al are middle age caucasian couple who live in a middle-class suburb of Chicago, IL. Peggy the stay at home mom seems to value her family in times of need, but her main values are the money that her husband brings home. This value of money affect the Bundy’s because there seem to be a lack of
References: Rask, K., Åstedt-Kurki, P., Paavilainen, E., & Laippala, P. (2003). Adolescent subjective well-being and family dynamics. Scandinavian Journal Of Caring Sciences, 17(2), 129-138. Center For Disease Control. (2010). Adverse childhood experiences reported by adults -- five states, 2009. (2010). MMWR: Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report, 59(49), 1609-1613. Potter, P. A., & Perry, A. G. (2009). Fundamentals of Nursing. (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier.