(1.1)Write a job description of your work role, this can be a list of things you do with a brief explanation.
In this assignment, I am writing about the duties and responsibilities of my role as a nanny.
I am working as a nanny who has sole charge responsibility for the care and safety of two children.
My duties include all those relating to the care of the children including daily routines such as meal times, toileting, dressing and bath time, taking the children out and organising fun, safe, stimulating activities.
I ensure that routines are kept - e.g. attending pre-school, ballet, swimming lessons, and playgroups. My responsibilities …show more content…
I observe them during their play making sure they have opportunities to enable them to work towards the correct development according to the developmental milestones.
3. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the child. This is a big responsibility that requires special attention for the safety, protection and wellbeing of the child or young person.
In my work my main duty is to protect the two young children in my care from being harmed or abused in any way. It is my responsibility to keep them safe, promoting their interests and protecting their rights. Working as a nanny I have got to know the children really well, so I can notice signs that something may be wrong. It is my responsibility to let the relevant professionals know and get help for the child as quickly as possible. In my work my main concern is the children and what is best for him or her. As a nanny I need to have an enhanced CRB check.
Through my role of safeguarding I am able to support myself, parents, colleagues and introduce issues that surround safety and …show more content…
When the little girl in my care was due to start preschool I arranged to stay with her for the first few times until she had got to know the place and all teachers . This helped her settle a lot quicker and caused less stress and anxiety to the family. At home also I was planning activities to help such as playing schools,with each of us taking turns to be the teacher. I encouraged her to be independent in going to the toilet and seeing to her own needs and we practiced putting her coat on by herself, all things to help with the transition. All the time I was explaining what is going to happen and what it might mean to her. To support our play and this important change in her life I also used puppets , painting and stories which can all help children to understand and come to terms with changes and transitions in their lives. And we as a adults can help by listening to them , and by being honest and