As a child care practitioner I need to know of the standards which regulate the sector. I should be aware of my responsibilities and expectations to ensure i am abiding by them and working in accordance with the standards, legislations and codes of practice.
In my work role I must legally comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 abide by the settings confidentiality policy. This will be done by keep private, confidential records locked in a filing cabinet or on a password protected computer and only a few members of staff having access to either. I must also make sure I do not discuss confidential information with anyone who is not on a need to know basis. I should be aware of accidentally saying something in conversation either in or outside of the work place. These would be the ways I would demonstrate respect for confidentiality. I also need to be aware of when confidentiality needs to be broken, e.g. when a child's welfare is at risk. …show more content…
This is done by doing my duties to the best of my ability and also by enuring the health and safety of those in my care, e.g. making sure all toys and equipment are maintained and the setting is safe. This is in line with the Health and Safety at Work Act as well as the Minimum Standards for Day Care which makes sure we follow health and safety policies and procedures. According to the Minimum Standards, we must ensure good hygiene is practiced in order to minimise the spread of infection, and when a child is ill, appropriate measures that comply with tinfection control guildelines must be taken. These standards also include the storage of medicine, preparation of food, first aid and