Task A (025.1.1 067.2.1; 025.2.4)
Produce an information document detailing the major pieces of legislation, regulations and codes of practice that affect a child care setting. Indicate throughout how they are applied in relation to children and young people’s rights, equality and inclusion in your child care setting.
You must include:-
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Children Act 1989/2004
Human Rights Act 1998
Working Together to Safeguard Children
Data Protection Act (ERR201.2.5A)
What to do if you are worried a child is being abused (2006)
Local Authority Safeguarding Board Policy and Procedure
Task B (025.1.5; 051.4.1/3; 029.3.2 a.b)(ERR201.2.5A)
Obtain a copy of your settings Data Protection and Confidentiality Policy and critically analyse. Discuss whether the processes used within you work setting comply with the legislation. Research what the legislation is regarding the recording and storage of information both paper based and electronically.
Task C (025.1,2/4; 025.2.3;)
Research the child abuse cases of Victoria Climbie and Baby P (Peter Connelly); discuss how the serious case review which followed their deaths influenced practice with regard to safeguarding children today. What were the recommendations and what is meant by partnership working in the context of safeguarding children. why is multi agency working important (029.1.1) how does multi agency working deliver better outcomes for children and young people(029.1.2, 064.3.4, 025.2.3) who are the external agencies and their roles in relation to your own work setting (029.1.3, 025.2.4) what are the barriers to multi agency working and how these can be overcome029.1.4)
Task D (025.2.1/2/3,025.3.1)
Write a short explanation of the importance of safeguarding children and young people and why a child centred approach is essential?
Task E