Running risk assessments for al activities and for the general running of the nursery e.g. checking nursery grounds to check for anything dangerous. The induction covers matters including safe lifting and the storage of potentially dangerous substances.
Records are kept of these induction training sessions and new staff are asked to sign the records to confirm that they have taken part.
Health and safety issues are explained to the parents of new children so that they understand the part they play in the daily life of the nursery.
Systems are in place for the safe arrival and departure of children. The times of the children’s arrivals and departures are recorded on the register.
The arrival and departure times of staff are written in daily registers. All visitors and students are recorded in the visitors’ book
The kitchen gate is always locked and closed to ensure children do not have unsupervised access to the kitchen area.
All resources and materials which children select are stored safely. First Aid and Medication
At least one member of staff with a current paediatric first aid training certificate (relevant to babies and young children) is on the premises or on an outing at any one time. At the time of admission to the nursery, parents written permission for emergency medical advice or treatment is sought. Parents sign and date their written authorisation.
Responsibility and reporting for health and safety in the work place – ask leanne if any broken toys are found take them to the manager to see if they can be fixed.