Before I start work, I ensure that the environment is spacious to avoid any accidents. By ensuring that the floor is dry and clear of any obstruction or material that could result to risk of an accident to both the service user and member of staff in line with Health and Safety first Aids Regulations 1987. I carry out checks on the residential areas and on the surroundings, fire checks and parked the wheelchairs and Zimmer frames in their appropriate places to avoid any accidents. I check to see that all doors and windows were locked and secured and areas are hazard free.
It’s part of my responsibility to ensure, promote secure, healthy and safety working environment for both the service-users as well as the staff working within the care home. Taking standard precautions to avoid and prevent infection and cross-infection. I start by first washing my hands before and after undertaking any task that involves coming in contact with the service users, I do on the spot risk assessment, wore protective clothing like the disposable aprons and gloves, ensure that these protective clothes are removed and replaced with clean ones after interacting with each service user.
Correct disposal of protective clothes in accordance with the Organisational and legislative policies and procedures, COSHH 2002(Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulation, POVA(Protection of Vulnerable Adult Regulation, Health and Safety at work act.
I always take permission from my manager to access the care plan of the service users and I am able to communicate with each individual, which helps to facilitate and evaluate individuals preferred needs, choice and support.
On one of my early shifts duties, as I started my shift, I noticed the presence of an unfamiliar person within the premises, who appeared to be