When children are growing up they may require the use of different services therefore it is important for these services to work together so that they can help promote the child’s development, health and other life skills. When working with new children it is important that you integrate them successfully by making them feel welcome. Working with other agencies could for example make sure that a child in a wheel chair arrives at their new setting with the correct equipment to help them. In my setting and other settings such as childrens centres or extended schools we respond to the wider needs of young children and their families. Working with children often includes working with people from outside agencies and Multi-agency working is an effective way of supporting children and families with additional needs. Multi-agency working brings together practitioners from different sectors and professions within the workforce to provide integrated support to children and their families, It is an effective way of supporting children with additional needs and helping to secure real improvements in their life. 1.2 Analyse how integrated working practices and multi-agency working in partnership deliver better outcomes for children and young people?
Integrated working practices and multi-agencies deliver better outcomes for children because it really helps when adults involved with the child is aware and agrees on plans for that child and making sure that the child has the best possible outcome in life and achieves to their full potential. If the outcomes for any child are to be positive it is important that all adults involved understand what information can be shared and the importance of