1.1 Within my work role I have a duty of care to ensure that, myself and the students are taking reasonable care in and around the setting to enable them to avoid injury to one another and / or making any damage to the work setting which could conclude in an injury. As well as this I have a duty of care to watch over the students for example during individual work, and making sure they are all treating each other as equals, that they are listening to each other and are all being treated fairly. Lastly I have a duty of care to ensure that the students’ rights are being met, for example if a child needs my help it is within my duty of care to ensure that they get the help they need but not to favourite any individual.
1.2 Duty of care contributes to the protection of individuals, due to the setting in which any individuals are, has a duty of care to ensure their welfare and health and safety is up to standard meaning any health and safety risks are minimized. As well as this it also contributes to the protection of individuals as within any setting each individuals will have records, data and personal information in which should be kept safe, in order for the settings duty of care in the protection of individuals to be accurate and ensured that the individuals are protected, any information/data/records they may have need to be kept in a safe and secure environment such as a locked cabinet or a safe of some sort, enabling no member of the public or anyone unauthorised could get hold of them.
2.1 Potential conflicts or dilemmas in which may arise could possibly be between a parent and a worker within the setting, for example a manager or receptionist, if a parent came into the setting and said they were looking after another person’s child which attends this setting and wanted their record’s to see how they behave or even about their dietary needs. As a worker at this setting they have a duty of care to keep records confidential,