Language development is when children are able to communicate with others in many ways. It allows the person using the language to be creative and expressive. Babies communicate by using sounds and words. Then as they grow older children start to use things like theirs hands, facial expression, pictures to communicate. Language allows us to socialise, express our needs and feelings. Intellectual development is a large area of development that can also be known as cognitive development. It encompasses the way in which we think and learn. It includes understanding of abstract concepts such as time as well as the ability to remember things. Furthermore intellectual development is responsible for being able to reason with things and other people, it is also responsible for controlling behaviour. Intellectual development also allows us to remember things using our long and short term memory.
Language development: At the age of 0 babies start to make cooing sounds to show pleasure. As months go by babies practise their sounds like calling out things like ‘mama’ and ‘dada’. When babies get to the age of 1 it is called the linguistic stage. The baby’s first words are usually unclear and they gradually emerge. They still continue to be making some cooing and babbling sounds. At the age of 2 children can put two words together to make a small sentence. This stage is called the telegraphic stage. Children can start to communicate with others in a simple way. At the age of 3 children can use language in a more complete way. For example they can say ‘I want milk’. The following website: http://www.kidsdevelopment.co.uk/languagedevelopmentstagesyoungchildren.html (date assessed 03/10/11) believes that parents are