Up in the midlands (Birmingham) there is an organisation called Acorns hospice, they help support children with mental and physical disabilities and there was also room for their parents to stay. Many of the children and young people are not expected to reach their adulthood and they are requiring specialist care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The hospice is currently supporting over 630 children and more than 880 families, including those who are bereaved.
“In the hospice, there is a Jacuzzi and large hydrotherapy pool which is used for exercise and relaxation. Music and lights help to create different atmospheres and the special equipment ensures that the children with the most severe disabilities can
still use the pool. The multi-sensory room is much loved by the children and families. This room offers relaxation and the experience of noises, lights and touch. There is also access for beds and wheelchairs’ ensuring the room is accessible to all children”. http://www.acorns.org.uk/
Statutory: primary School:
Every mainstream school would have a SENCO teacher to help make sure all the children with different needs to help with their learning and development.
The SENCO teacher will work with other teachers to create action plans to help the children overcome the barriers many SEN children have to learning and sustaining effective teaching through their years in the school.
The SENCO teacher, head teacher and class teacher will have each child with the special needs statement and possibly have a member of staff assigned to them (LSA—Learning support assistant) LSA’s are there to help the child during a 1:1 session so they can take a little longer time to complete their work and to help develop their own personal learning.