P1-There are many different reasons why children and young people may need to be looked after which are unforeseen, unexpected and planned situations. Common reasons could involve family related issues including: family breakdown, bereavement, loss of parent, illness or incapacity of a parent such as: hospitalisation, substance misuse or mental health needs, which means there is no one else to provide care. A Child or young person are suspected or actually being maltreated. Children and young person related: health issues, behavioural problems, disability, learning difficulties or rejection by parent as a result of a new partner or because of the child or young person’s behaviour. The child or young person could be suspected or actually being abused: physically, sexually and/or verbally. A child or young person could be abandoned by a parent and have no one to provide care for them. The parent, child or young person may have committed a crime. If a child or young person truants school they could be placed into the foster care system.
Family breakdown- This is when families are destructed by separation or divorce of the parents. This can cause children to be distraught and confused by their parents decisions to separate or divorce. There can be many reasons that cause family breakdowns but whatever the reasons when a family breakdown occurs the child/children can experience a mix of emotions from this event such as: depression, guilt and withdrawal. Regrettably for most parents they do not meet the child's needs or give them the support they need as they can be caught up in the conflict that the separation has caused. The parents can make the mistake of not talking to their child/children about the circumstances making the child/children feeling forgotten and disheartened. The parents may think that they are protecting their child/children from the grief the separation has caused but this can only leave the child/children